Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Confession.. My kids have too many toys.. It really is a problem!

I have this issue with toys... I HATE THEM!  I hate having them all over my house. I find them in my bedroom, my bedroom closet, the bathrooms,  the bathroom toilet (Thanks Hawk ;)), the fridge and the kitchen. I tell my boys at least 3 times a day to put their toys in their playroom. I am so OCD I literally have a spot for every single toy. So, this is what the playroom should look like...
Books stacked nicely on the shelf, masks hung, costumes underneath the masks, big toys in the big basket and cars, Ninja Turtles, Power Rangers, Super Heroes, and some other misc. things in the Spiderman organizer. I wish the playroom always looked like this! I would be the happiest Mom in the world... BUT... this is what the playroom usually looks like on a day to day basis...
DON'T BE ALARMED! An earthquake did not come through our home.. this was all done by two very energetic, messy little boys! 

For the past two days I have asked the boys to clean up their playroom. I took away video games, phones, playing outside, playing, eating (no, not really that would be bad!), basically anything fun until it was clean. Instead of getting the beautiful clean playroom I wanted I got a whole lot of complaining... mostly from Reef because as my family likes to say, "Reef is a lazy Samoan!" I got the following, "my feet hurt, I can't walk!", "my tummy hurts too much!", "I think I'm too sick to clean!", "I'm gonna run away to Nama Margie's house!", "You are the meanest Mommy ever!", "I didn't even make this mess!", "This is the worst thing ever!", "Other little boys don't have to clean their playrooms!", "What? You aren't gonna help me?", "I accidentally locked the playroom door.." Seriously the list could go on and on! There were a couple of times that I didn't get any complaining so I thought they were actually cleaning, only to walk in and find them playing in an even big mess than before.

Now my Hawky boy... He gets the job done! It just may not always be the way I want it..

He throws Every. Single. Toy. in the closet! Honestly, its better than nothing at all- I'll take it... That is until my OCD kicks in and I go clean in myself. So, my dilemma is what do I do about this? Do I throw away all their toys so they can't make these insane messes anymore? Do I stop buying toys? Do I make them clean it up every single night before bed? I just don't know. The only thing I know for sure is they are making memories together. There is nothing better than hearing the laughs, the stories, the imagination that comes from that playroom. I honestly think I am willing to deal with the mess because that makes it all worth it.. most of the time ;)

Side note: Reef just walked up to me as I was posting these pictures and asked, "Who took that picture? Why is that picture up there?" I let him know that I was blogging about their messy playroom. In which he responded with an, "Uugghhh!!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I think that is a never ending process, we have tried taking the toys away, cleaning up after them and making them pick their room up every night before bed. the only one that came close to working was them picking up every night before bed. I am OCD too and label where every thing goes. so I know how you feel! just pick which one works best for you and be consistent! :) good luck!!! :)
