Friday, March 7, 2014

What I've learned being a mom to 3.

Our beautiful baby girl, Briar Estelle Aiono, was born on January 24th at 7:56am. She is the cutest, sweetest, cuddly, most beautiful, little thing I've ever seen (I may be alittle biased:))...

Before she was born I had envisioned what life would be like with 3 kids. I thought I would bounce back to my normal self in no time and it would be a piece of cake. I was sooo wrong. I was literally in labor for 16 hours (that is a whole other story that I will share another time) and it definitely took a toll on my body. Briar is 6 weeks old and I am still not my "normal" self. I came home from the hospital and felt as if I had been hit by a train and all I wanted to do was lay down all day long and not move if I didn't have to. Lucky for me, I had my sister Erika and my mom here to help and the following week my MIL came. I realized quickly after everyone left and I had to be a mom again that it was not as easy as I thought it would be. It was so much harder. So here are a few things I've learned in the 6 weeks that Briar has joined our family...
• Blogging is much easier with 2 kids.. ;)
• Life is not perfect, I am not perfect And that is OK!
• I am enough (my kids love me regardleas of my flaws, I don't even think they notice them)
• I rely on our Savior so much more. Thank goodness for prayer.
• My house doesn't/ won't be clean for longer than 5 minutes, and that's ok.
• Dishes in the sink can wait until tomorrow.
• Sleep= more patience the next day, which is something my entire family needs from me.
• I need "ME" time. Time to myself. Time to reflect on the day, on the things I need to change or work on.
• Bedtimes are critical! They are my sanity.. 
• Sometimes its ok to sit my kids in front of the TV all day. It is literally the only way I will get things done. 
• It is perfectly ok to cry. I cry when I feel like it. it is amazing what a good cry session can do for the soul.
• Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you need it, ask!
• Baths are heaven on earth. They are my escape.
• I love my husband even more than I did with 2 kids. He is truly one of the greatest men I have ever met. I am beyond blessed to have him as my husband.

I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to raise 3 of my Heavenly Father's most beautiful children. I can never fully express my gratitude and love toward him. I thank him every single day for this blessing.