Saturday, January 11, 2014

Potty Training..

It has been my own personal Hell! Anyone who has ever said it was easy potty training their son.. is LYING! or they don't have a son named Hawk. My son is exactly 2 years and 11 months old, which means it has taken me 2 years, 10 months and 27 days to potty train him. I cannot tell you how many times I have tried and failed.. miserably! I tried the "stay home for 3 days and let him run wild naked, asking every 10 minutes if he needed to go", the "cheerio in the toilet and have him aim game", the "I'll give you a treat if you go pee pee in the potty trick" and NOTHING worked. There would be pee and poop in places you never want to have to clean (walls included.. oh you didn't know that poop is the new finger paint?). It really was just awful! I finally decided that I was just going to wait, because he clearly did not understand the concept. I was actually fine changing his diapers and found it easier than always having to run him to the bathroom wherever we were.. Just call me lazy ;).. The problem with all of this?? I am due in 3 weeks, which means 2 kids in diapers, which means $$ and carrying 2 different sized diapers with me at all times, which equals one big headache for me! I decided it was time to give it another shot. I took his diaper off Wednesday morning and told him he had to go pee pee in the potty, that he was a big boy and Mommy was tired of changing his diapers. Let me be honest for a minute, I completely forgot that I didn't have him in a diaper, I never asked him if he needed to go potty or anything.. All of a sudden I hear a flush in the hall bathroom and run to see who it is. It was my HAWKY BOY! He did it! All on his own. I was so proud and so happy! Throughout the day he kept going to the bathroom all on his own. When Jared got home from work he took the boys to the park to ride bikes and I thought for sure he was going to have an accident. Jared kept asking him and he kept saying no and when they got home, he ran to go potty. We decided it was time to reward him for making it the whole day without an accident. We asked him what kind of treat he wanted, his response? "I wanna ride my fuad! (translation= quad)" My son, the redneck! If I am being truthful, It really hasn't been all rainbows and roses.. He has had 2 accidents in 3 days, one of them being a "number 2" accident, which led my husband to gag and just about die.. It was hilarious! The best part about potty training a boy? pee. on. the. toilet. seat. 
It is disgusting and just not right!
I am just extra careful when using their bathroom and have to be a bit more devoted to cleaning the toilet a few times a day. All in all, I am just so glad I will only have one baby in diapers, even if it means pee in places I never knew existed ;) Way to go my Hawky Boy! Mommy is so proud!